Add expenses in bulk
You can upload bulk receipt images or add receipt details in bulk.
SmartScan receipt images in bulk
- Click the Expenses tab.
- Drag and drop up to 10 images or PDF receipts at once from your computer’s files. You can drop them anywhere on the Expense page where you see a green plus icon next to your mouse cursor.
Manually add receipt details in bulk
Note: This process is currently not available from the mobile app and must be completed from the Expensify website.
- Click the Expenses tab.
- Click New Expense and select Create Multiple.
- Enter the expense details for up to 10 expenses and click Save.
Upload personal expenses via CSV, XLS, etc.
Note: This process is currently not available from the mobile app and must be completed from the Expensify website.
- Hover over Settings, then click Account.
- Click the Credit Card Import tab.
- Under Personal Cards, click Import Transactions from File.
- Click Upload and select a .csv, .xls, .ofx, or a .qfx file.